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React Installation

Estimated reading time: 15 min

Make sure to follow the instruction mentioned in the URL below :

This section will help you walk through the minimum required setup to run the project.

Required Setup

First, this is important, please make sure you have already installed and run the simulator successfully base on this guide with REACT-NATIVE-CLI.

It will help you install and build your first Example React Native app.

Installing Node Modules

Open terminal and go to project folder and run following command

  npm install or yarn

iOS Setup (Mac OS only)

Follow above link React Native CLI Quickstart -> macOS -> iOS

we are using node v14.17.4

Running Simulator

Run the following command if you have installed node modules from the previous command.


cd ios && pod install

After installation of all dependencies back to the previous folder

cd ..

run this command

npx react-native run-ios

Android Setup (Mac OS, Windows, Linux)

Change Android SDK Path

Go to
1. File -> project Structure into Project Structure
2. Left -> SDK Location
SDK location select Android SDK location

Running Emulator

To check the Android device is ready or not run following command from your terminal

adb devices

Please make sure you use the correct Android SDK path. You can find the actual location of the SDK in the Android Studio “Preferences” dialog, under Appearance & Behavior → System Settings → Android SDK.

If you have the device listed you can run the following command.

npx react-native run-android

f you are on the window and getting error metro bundle ‘react-native start’ then go
and replace
var sharedBlacklist = [ /node_modules[/\]react[/\]dist[/\].*/, /website/node_modules/.*/, /heapCapture/bundle.js/, /.*/__tests__/.*/ ];

var sharedBlacklist = [ /node_modules[/\]react[/\]dist[/\].*/, /website/node_modules/.*/, /heapCapture/bundle.js/, /.*/__tests__/.*/ ];

Ecommerce Configuration

Go to the project folder open the file: src/common/Theme.style.js and follow the below steps to set up the app.

Required Setup

App Config

Go the project folder open the file: src/common/Theme.style.js and follow below steps to setup the app.

  • * https://your-site-url (it will be the url of your domain)
  • Client ID
  • Client secret
  • Change the colors for your theme
  • Change the Text size of the application small, medium, Large, Custom radius,
  •  Font family
  • webClientIdForGoogleSign (add this webclient id from firebase for google login) 

 we need to go into our Firebase console and enable Google authentication for our app.

‌Once you’re inside the app’s dashboard, you’re going to go into

Authentication → Sign-In Method → Google

and click the Enable toggle.

Now save your web client Id and paste in config file in webClientIdForGoogleSign variable.
for further details visit this URL

Path : RawalReact/src/common/Theme.style.js


You can change the light and dark mode from the attached screenshot below you can also make variation of colors in Light and dark mode. 

Path: RawalReact/src/common/Theme.style.js

Hint: All the other settings that can be managed from the backend you can visit the 

Following URL: Yourdomain.com/admin/application-settings. You can manage Language, currency. 

Important : ( Currency and Language will be changed from the backend URL mentioned above By default it is LTR if you want to change for RTL you will have to add the language in the backend settings -> Language settings, Also you will have to change the flip settings in the application source code. 

For IOS 

The path for flipping the language in application will be as following : 


For Android
The path for flipping the language in application will be as following: 


Change SplashScreen and app Icon


go into android/app/src/res/mipmap(dpi,mdpi,xhdpi,xxhdpi,xxxhdpi) and replace the splashscreen image for splash screen and ic_launcher and ic_launcher_round(round shape icon) for icon (name and extension of all images should be same )


Go into RawalReact/ios/RawalReact/Images.xcassets/splashscreen.imageset and change the splashscreen and icon

How to Set the App Icon

Click in the Project navigator and then choose AppIcon












Intro1 Slider Images

Replace those  images for the intro1 slider (name and extension of all images should be the same)

Path : RawalReact/src/images/IntroImages

You can visit the following Path to change the Intro screens as per your requirements if you do not want to use the default version of Intro Screen:


Rate us For android & Ios


For the Android – Rate Us button change the google package name in  the for Andriod Packagename:

For IOS – Rate us button change the Apple App ID in AppleAppId: 

Path: RawalReact/src/screens/RateUs.js



go into RawalReact/android/app/src/main/java/com/rnbecruxBoy/MainActivity.java

folder and change forceRTL() to true


Go into RawalReact/ios/RawalReact/AppDelegate.m

 folder and change forceRTL() to YES

Facebook Integration 

Facebook Developer Console

The first thing we need to do is to create a new application in Facebook’s developer dashboard, and this app is the one that Facebook will use to ask our users for their permission when we try to log them into our React Native application. For that, you’ll need to go to the Facebook developer console and create a new app.

Add your Platforms to Facebook


Add Facebook App ID

  • Add your Facebook App ID to your app and update your Android manifest.
  • Open your strings.xml file, for example:/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml .
  • Add a new string with the name facebook_app_id containing the value of your Facebook App ID:
<string name=”facebook_app_id”>….</string>
  • Add your development and release key hashes
    To ensure the authenticity of the interactions between your app and Facebook,
    If your app has already been published, you should add your release key hash too.
    You’ll have a unique development key hash for each Android development environment.
    To generate a development key hash, on Mac, run the following command:
  • keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

  • keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %HOMEPATH%.androiddebug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

This command will generate a 28-character key hash unique to your development environment. Copy and paste it into the field below. You will need to provide a development key hash for the development environment of each person who works on your app. If your app has already been published, you should also add a hash of your release key.
Android apps must be digitally signed with a release key before you can upload them to the store. To generate a hash of your release key, run the following command on Mac or Windows substituting your release key alias and the path to your keystore:

  • keytool -exportcert -alias YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS -keystore YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_PATH | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

This will generate a 28-character string that you should copy and paste into the field below. Also, see the Android documentation for signing your apps.



Configure your info.plist and project settings

Find the .plist file in the Supporting Files folder in your Xcode Project.
1. Right-click your .plist file and choose “Open As Source Code”.
2. Copy & Paste the XML snippet into the body of your file

<dict>…</dict> <key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key> <array> <string>……</string> </array> </dict> </array> <key>FacebookAppID</key> <string>……</string> <key>FacebookDisplayName</key> <string>rn</string>

Google SignIn Integration

Add your iOS and Android App inside Project settings (see image).

⦁ Enter required information and download the config file.

⦁ In firebase, you will need to enable Google option in SignIn Method section

While enabling Google, do copy the Web Client ID from there, we need this later on.

and pest WebClient id in

the file: src/common/Theme.style.js


When you are done registering your android app with firebase then Download the Config file and place it in the android/app


Now, we need to get started on the Firebase configuration. In Firebase, we need to set up a Google cloud app. But when we set up the authentication method on Firebase this also creates a Google cloud app.
First, we need to create a Firebase iOS app in order to obtain GoogleServiceinfo.list as shown in the screenshot below:

Next, we copy the GoogleService-info.list file to the Xcode project as shown in the screenshot below:

Now, we need to add the reversed client ID present in the GoogleService-info.list file to the URL Types, as shown in the screenshot below:

The next step is to go to Info → URL Types then fill the URL Schemes as shown in the screenshot below:

also, add Client_ID in URL Types same as shown in the screenshoot

Official link for Google SignIn


Push Notification

create A OneSignal Account

Your OneSignal App ID, available in Keys & IDs
Put your ONESIGNAL APP ID here with your OneSignal google project number in your android/app/build.gradle folder.

ndroid { defaultConfig { manifestPlaceholders = [
onesignal_app_id: ‘PUT YOUR ONESIGNAL APP ID HERE’,
// Project number pulled from dashboard, local value is ignored.
onesignal_google_project_number: ‘REMOTE’ ]}}

Generate Credentials

iOS – Generate an iOS Push Certificate
ANDROID – Generate a Google Server API Key

Deep linking

Configuring Android

First, we need to open our Manifest file and add the app name we will want to be referencing, in our case RawalReact

In android/app/src/main, open AndroidManifest.xml and change the android:host=” ” according to your link and you can also change android:scheme=” ”.

Configuring Ios

Step 1: Add URL type to info.plist from VScode

Replace your bundleid instead of rawal-dev.vector-coder.com

Step 2. Add URL type to info.plist from Xcode

  1. Open plistand at the top of the file, create a new property called URL types
  2. Expand item 0(zero) and choose URL Schemes.
    3. Give item 0 or 1the name you would like your app to be linkable as. In our case,
    I chose rawal-dev.vector-coder.com as the name.



Config Android

How to config App name

pen file android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml and change to your App name

Don’t forget clean cache after change app info.

cd ./android && ./gradlew clean

For IOS :

  • You will have to change the display name for IOS

Publishing to Google Play Store


Publishing to Apple Store


Make sure to follow the instruction mentioned in the URL below :

This section will help you walk through the minimum required setup to run the project.

Required Setup

First, this is important, please make sure you have already installed and run the simulator successfully base on this guide with REACT-NATIVE-CLI.

It will help you install and build your first Example React Native app.

Installing Node Modules

Open terminal and go to project folder and run following command

  npm install or yarn

iOS Setup (Mac OS only)

Follow above link React Native CLI Quickstart -> macOS -> iOS

we are using node v14.17.4

Running Simulator

Run the following command if you have installed node modules from the previous command.


cd ios && pod install

After installation of all dependencies back to the previous folder

cd ..

run this command

npx react-native run-ios

Android Setup (Mac OS, Windows, Linux)

Change Android SDK Path

Go to
1. File -> project Structure into Project Structure
2. Left -> SDK Location
SDK location select Android SDK location

Running Emulator

To check the Android device is ready or not run following command from your terminal

adb devices

Please make sure you use the correct Android SDK path. You can find the actual location of the SDK in the Android Studio “Preferences” dialog, under Appearance & Behavior → System Settings → Android SDK.

If you have the device listed you can run the following command.

npx react-native run-android

f you are on the window and getting error metro bundle ‘react-native start’ then go
and replace
var sharedBlacklist = [ /node_modules[/\]react[/\]dist[/\].*/, /website/node_modules/.*/, /heapCapture/bundle.js/, /.*/__tests__/.*/ ];

var sharedBlacklist = [ /node_modules[/\]react[/\]dist[/\].*/, /website/node_modules/.*/, /heapCapture/bundle.js/, /.*/__tests__/.*/ ];

Ecommerce Configuration

Go to the project folder open the file: src/common/Theme.style.js and follow the below steps to set up the app.

Required Setup

App Config

Go the project folder open the file: src/common/Theme.style.js and follow below steps to setup the app.

  • * https://your-site-url (it will be the url of your domain)
  • Client ID
  • Client secret
  • Change the colors for your theme
  • Change the Text size of the application small, medium, Large, Custom radius,
  •  Font family
  • webClientIdForGoogleSign (add this webclient id from firebase for google login) 

 we need to go into our Firebase console and enable Google authentication for our app.

‌Once you’re inside the app’s dashboard, you’re going to go into

Authentication → Sign-In Method → Google

and click the Enable toggle.

Now save your web client Id and paste in config file in webClientIdForGoogleSign variable.
for further details visit this URL

Path : RawalReact/src/common/Theme.style.js


You can change the light and dark mode from the attached screenshot below you can also make variation of colors in Light and dark mode. 

Path: RawalReact/src/common/Theme.style.js

Hint: All the other settings that can be managed from the backend you can visit the 

Following URL: Yourdomain.com/admin/application-settings. You can manage Language, currency. 

Important : ( Currency and Language will be changed from the backend URL mentioned above By default it is LTR if you want to change for RTL you will have to add the language in the backend settings -> Language settings, Also you will have to change the flip settings in the application source code. 

For IOS 

The path for flipping the language in application will be as following : 


For Android
The path for flipping the language in application will be as following: 


Change SplashScreen and app Icon


go into android/app/src/res/mipmap(dpi,mdpi,xhdpi,xxhdpi,xxxhdpi) and replace the splashscreen image for splash screen and ic_launcher and ic_launcher_round(round shape icon) for icon (name and extension of all images should be same )


Go into RawalReact/ios/RawalReact/Images.xcassets/splashscreen.imageset and change the splashscreen and icon

How to Set the App Icon

Click in the Project navigator and then choose AppIcon












Intro1 Slider Images

Replace those  images for the intro1 slider (name and extension of all images should be the same)

Path : RawalReact/src/images/IntroImages

You can visit the following Path to change the Intro screens as per your requirements if you do not want to use the default version of Intro Screen:


Rate us For android & Ios


For the Android – Rate Us button change the google package name in  the for Andriod Packagename:

For IOS – Rate us button change the Apple App ID in AppleAppId: 

Path: RawalReact/src/screens/RateUs.js



go into RawalReact/android/app/src/main/java/com/rnbecruxBoy/MainActivity.java

folder and change forceRTL() to true


Go into RawalReact/ios/RawalReact/AppDelegate.m

 folder and change forceRTL() to YES

Facebook Integration 

Facebook Developer Console

The first thing we need to do is to create a new application in Facebook’s developer dashboard, and this app is the one that Facebook will use to ask our users for their permission when we try to log them into our React Native application. For that, you’ll need to go to the Facebook developer console and create a new app.

Add your Platforms to Facebook


Add Facebook App ID

  • Add your Facebook App ID to your app and update your Android manifest.
  • Open your strings.xml file, for example:/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml .
  • Add a new string with the name facebook_app_id containing the value of your Facebook App ID:
<string name=”facebook_app_id”>….</string>
  • Add your development and release key hashes
    To ensure the authenticity of the interactions between your app and Facebook,
    If your app has already been published, you should add your release key hash too.
    You’ll have a unique development key hash for each Android development environment.
    To generate a development key hash, on Mac, run the following command:
  • keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

  • keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %HOMEPATH%.androiddebug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

This command will generate a 28-character key hash unique to your development environment. Copy and paste it into the field below. You will need to provide a development key hash for the development environment of each person who works on your app. If your app has already been published, you should also add a hash of your release key.
Android apps must be digitally signed with a release key before you can upload them to the store. To generate a hash of your release key, run the following command on Mac or Windows substituting your release key alias and the path to your keystore:

  • keytool -exportcert -alias YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS -keystore YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_PATH | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

This will generate a 28-character string that you should copy and paste into the field below. Also, see the Android documentation for signing your apps.



Configure your info.plist and project settings

Find the .plist file in the Supporting Files folder in your Xcode Project.
1. Right-click your .plist file and choose “Open As Source Code”.
2. Copy & Paste the XML snippet into the body of your file

<dict>…</dict> <key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key> <array> <string>……</string> </array> </dict> </array> <key>FacebookAppID</key> <string>……</string> <key>FacebookDisplayName</key> <string>rn</string>


Push Notification

create A OneSignal Account

Your OneSignal App ID, available in Keys & IDs
Put your ONESIGNAL APP ID here with your OneSignal google project number in your android/app/build.gradle folder.

ndroid { defaultConfig { manifestPlaceholders = [
onesignal_app_id: ‘PUT YOUR ONESIGNAL APP ID HERE’,
// Project number pulled from dashboard, local value is ignored.
onesignal_google_project_number: ‘REMOTE’ ]}}

Generate Credentials

iOS – Generate an iOS Push Certificate
ANDROID – Generate a Google Server API Key

Deep linking

Configuring Android

First, we need to open our Manifest file and add the app name we will want to be referencing, in our case RawalReact

In android/app/src/main, open AndroidManifest.xml and change the android:host=” ” according to your link and you can also change android:scheme=” ”.

Configuring Ios

Step 1: Add URL type to info.plist from VScode

Replace your bundleid instead of rawal-dev.vector-coder.com

Step 2. Add URL type to info.plist from Xcode

  1. Open plistand at the top of the file, create a new property called URL types
  2. Expand item 0(zero) and choose URL Schemes.
    3. Give item 0 or 1the name you would like your app to be linkable as. In our case,
    I chose rawal-dev.vector-coder.com as the name.



Config Android

How to config App name

pen file android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml and change to your App name

Don’t forget clean cache after change app info.

cd ./android && ./gradlew clean

For IOS :

  • You will have to change the display name for IOS

Publishing to Google Play Store


Publishing to Apple Store


Make sure to follow the instruction mentioned in the URL below :

This section will help you walk through the minimum required setup to run the project.

Required Setup

First, this is important, please make sure you have already installed and run the simulator successfully base on this guide with REACT-NATIVE-CLI.

It will help you install and build your first Example React Native app.

Installing Node Modules

Open terminal and go to project folder and run following command

  npm install or yarn

iOS Setup (Mac OS only)

Follow above link React Native CLI Quickstart -> macOS -> iOS

we are using node v14.17.4

Running Simulator

Run the following command if you have installed node modules from the previous command.


cd ios && pod install

After installation of all dependencies back to the previous folder

cd ..

run this command

npx react-native run-ios

Android Setup (Mac OS, Windows, Linux)

Change Android SDK Path

Go to
1. File -> project Structure into Project Structure
2. Left -> SDK Location
SDK location select Android SDK location

Running Emulator

To check the Android device is ready or not run following command from your terminal

adb devices

Please make sure you use the correct Android SDK path. You can find the actual location of the SDK in the Android Studio “Preferences” dialog, under Appearance & Behavior → System Settings → Android SDK.

If you have the device listed you can run the following command.

npx react-native run-android

f you are on the window and getting error metro bundle ‘react-native start’ then go
and replace
var sharedBlacklist = [ /node_modules[/\]react[/\]dist[/\].*/, /website/node_modules/.*/, /heapCapture/bundle.js/, /.*/__tests__/.*/ ];

var sharedBlacklist = [ /node_modules[/\]react[/\]dist[/\].*/, /website/node_modules/.*/, /heapCapture/bundle.js/, /.*/__tests__/.*/ ];

Ecommerce Configuration

Go to the project folder open the file: src/common/Theme.style.js and follow the below steps to set up the app.

Required Setup

App Config

Go the project folder open the file: src/common/Theme.style.js and follow below steps to setup the app.

  • * https://your-site-url (it will be the url of your domain)
  • Client ID
  • Client secret
  • Change the colors for your theme
  • Change the Text size of the application small, medium, Large, Custom radius,
  •  Font family
  • webClientIdForGoogleSign (add this webclient id from firebase for google login) 

 we need to go into our Firebase console and enable Google authentication for our app.

‌Once you’re inside the app’s dashboard, you’re going to go into

Authentication → Sign-In Method → Google

and click the Enable toggle.

Now save your web client Id and paste in config file in webClientIdForGoogleSign variable.
for further details visit this URL

Path : RawalReact/src/common/Theme.style.js


You can change the light and dark mode from the attached screenshot below you can also make variation of colors in Light and dark mode. 

Path: RawalReact/src/common/Theme.style.js

Hint: All the other settings that can be managed from the backend you can visit the 

Following URL: Yourdomain.com/admin/application-settings. You can manage Language, currency. 

Important : ( Currency and Language will be changed from the backend URL mentioned above By default it is LTR if you want to change for RTL you will have to add the language in the backend settings -> Language settings, Also you will have to change the flip settings in the application source code. 

For IOS 

The path for flipping the language in application will be as following : 


For Android
The path for flipping the language in application will be as following: 


Change SplashScreen and app Icon


go into android/app/src/res/mipmap(dpi,mdpi,xhdpi,xxhdpi,xxxhdpi) and replace the splashscreen image for splash screen and ic_launcher and ic_launcher_round(round shape icon) for icon (name and extension of all images should be same )


Go into RawalReact/ios/RawalReact/Images.xcassets/splashscreen.imageset and change the splashscreen and icon

How to Set the App Icon

Click in the Project navigator and then choose AppIcon












Intro1 Slider Images

Replace those  images for the intro1 slider (name and extension of all images should be the same)

Path : RawalReact/src/images/IntroImages

You can visit the following Path to change the Intro screens as per your requirements if you do not want to use the default version of Intro Screen:


Rate us For android & Ios


For the Android – Rate Us button change the google package name in  the for Andriod Packagename:

For IOS – Rate us button change the Apple App ID in AppleAppId: 

Path: RawalReact/src/screens/RateUs.js



go into RawalReact/android/app/src/main/java/com/rnbecruxBoy/MainActivity.java

folder and change forceRTL() to true


Go into RawalReact/ios/RawalReact/AppDelegate.m

 folder and change forceRTL() to YES

Facebook Integration 

Facebook Developer Console

The first thing we need to do is to create a new application in Facebook’s developer dashboard, and this app is the one that Facebook will use to ask our users for their permission when we try to log them into our React Native application. For that, you’ll need to go to the Facebook developer console and create a new app.

Add your Platforms to Facebook


Add Facebook App ID

  • Add your Facebook App ID to your app and update your Android manifest.
  • Open your strings.xml file, for example:/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml .
  • Add a new string with the name facebook_app_id containing the value of your Facebook App ID:
<string name=”facebook_app_id”>….</string>
  • Add your development and release key hashes
    To ensure the authenticity of the interactions between your app and Facebook,
    If your app has already been published, you should add your release key hash too.
    You’ll have a unique development key hash for each Android development environment.
    To generate a development key hash, on Mac, run the following command:
  • keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

  • keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %HOMEPATH%.androiddebug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

This command will generate a 28-character key hash unique to your development environment. Copy and paste it into the field below. You will need to provide a development key hash for the development environment of each person who works on your app. If your app has already been published, you should also add a hash of your release key.
Android apps must be digitally signed with a release key before you can upload them to the store. To generate a hash of your release key, run the following command on Mac or Windows substituting your release key alias and the path to your keystore:

  • keytool -exportcert -alias YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS -keystore YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_PATH | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

This will generate a 28-character string that you should copy and paste into the field below. Also, see the Android documentation for signing your apps.



Configure your info.plist and project settings

Find the .plist file in the Supporting Files folder in your Xcode Project.
1. Right-click your .plist file and choose “Open As Source Code”.
2. Copy & Paste the XML snippet into the body of your file

<dict>…</dict> <key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key> <array> <string>……</string> </array> </dict> </array> <key>FacebookAppID</key> <string>……</string> <key>FacebookDisplayName</key> <string>rn</string>

Push Notification

create A OneSignal Account

Your OneSignal App ID, available in Keys & IDs
Put your ONESIGNAL APP ID here with your OneSignal google project number in your android/app/build.gradle folder.

ndroid { defaultConfig { manifestPlaceholders = [
onesignal_app_id: ‘PUT YOUR ONESIGNAL APP ID HERE’,
// Project number pulled from dashboard, local value is ignored.
onesignal_google_project_number: ‘REMOTE’ ]}}

Generate Credentials

iOS – Generate an iOS Push Certificate
ANDROID – Generate a Google Server API Key

Deep linking

Configuring Android

First, we need to open our Manifest file and add the app name we will want to be referencing, in our case RawalReact

In android/app/src/main, open AndroidManifest.xml and change the android:host=” ” according to your link and you can also change android:scheme=” ”.

Configuring Ios

Step 1: Add URL type to info.plist from VScode

Replace your bundleid instead of rawal-dev.vector-coder.com

Step 2. Add URL type to info.plist from Xcode

  1. Open plistand at the top of the file, create a new property called URL types
  2. Expand item 0(zero) and choose URL Schemes.
    3. Give item 0 or 1the name you would like your app to be linkable as. In our case,
    I chose rawal-dev.vector-coder.com as the name.



Config Android

How to config App name

pen file android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml and change to your App name

Don’t forget clean cache after change app info.

cd ./android && ./gradlew clean

For IOS :

  • You will have to change the display name for IOS

Publishing to Google Play Store


Publishing to Apple Store


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