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Source Code Setup

Estimated reading time: 3 min

From Where to Begin?

Well, after reaching the above-mentioned step, you need to begin with the website_adminpanel.zip folder. Copy this folder as it is, and paste it in some other dedicated drive and folder and extract the files from the website_adminpanel.zip folder. The extracted files would appear as shown below

Now you just need to enter your website domain name/public/install in any browser, as shown below, and an installation wizard would automatically pop up on the screen.


To make the installation process smooth and user friendly, we have come up with a bit more innovative manner of installation where the user would be provided with an installation wizard, user would be required to keep putting the appropriate values in the relevant fields and the installation process would not take more than just a couple of minutes.

After uploading the source code, once we click it, this would open up by default an installation wizard that would look like this,

The above-given slide with Laravel Ecommerce App title is a welcome note to the user. By clicking on the Next button, the wizard would appear like this

The above mentioned are the dependencies or extensions for the server that are essential components for installation. All the green checks would ensure the presence of all the above mentioned dependencies. In case, if the system doesn’t have any of these dependencies already installed, a red cross mark would appear in the corresponding column of the missing component. So make sure to install all the dependencies and extensions to ensure the smooth running and installation of the app.

By clicking the next, the wizard would ask for the permissions as shown below.

You need to grant the directed permissions respectively for instance.

Storage/framework/ 775

Storage/logos/ 775

Bootstrap/cache/ 775

To grant these permissions>

Open your C panel, here you will find three folders in horizontal order named as




Select the framework and logs folder, right-click on this, and now click on the change permission, enter the relevant vale 775, and click on the change permission on the bottom again.

In the same manner, grant permission to the bootstrap/cache folder by right-clicking on the folder and selecting change permission.

Once all the permissions are granted, all three folders would show a green checkmark on correspondent columns. From here click the next button.

In the next step, you need to complete the environment settings wizard.

By clicking the Wizard Text Editor next slide will show up as given below

Step 1) Give any name to your Website as you like for instance, Laravel 1 or XYZ.

Step 2) From development mode that carries the following option(s)


Select any of the above mode(s) according to your requirement.

Step 3) In App Debugging section, there are two further options that are

1) True

2) False.

By clicking the true, all the errors would be shown

By clicking the false, no errors would be shown.

Step 4) In Log Type section select debug.

Step 5) In Website URL section, paste your app’s URL and click on the database on the bottom of the wizard.

In the next wizard section, you will be required to enter your database information.

Note: In any case, if you need to change your .env settings or need to change the production or any other mode, you can go to the link below and alter your settings as required. But first complete all the requirements of this wizard.

To begin with this, you need to create an empty database first in your PHPMyAdmin, enter all of the details of that empty database in the above wizard, and click on the application on the bottom of the wizard.

Note: Your predefined and created database MUST be empty.

Make sure to also configure your mail settings in the wizard shown above.

In the final phase, enter your admin details like
Purchase Code
User Name
First Name
Last Name

Your website will be live on following link.


By default laravel website run from public folder, so you need to change your server/domain document root to public. You can follow below link for it. There are different methods of remove public from url.

Remove the Public from URL in Laravel


We have different environment in development.

(Live server) Cpanel

Our laravel installer works perfect on every environment, However some exceptions may occur on environment to environment change .

For Example

Sometime user provide wrong credentials for database, which gives an exception. our laravel installer is handling this exception in a way, It shows message to user to restart its local server if user is providing wrong credentials once.

Note: user is deploying project on local environment like on Xamp , Wamp , Lamp etc”

But if user on live server then user should may/may not clear cache.

if user face session expire (it occurs due to providing wrong credentials many time.) page after providing wrong credentials on live server , user should must clean cache on live server.

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