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Ionic App Installation

Estimated reading time: 1 min

Make Sure to complete this setup before the compiling process for application

Open the folder name Source Code inside the downloaded package.

Now open folder/src/services/config/config.service.ts file and change the following.

  • http://your-site-url
  • your-consumer-key.
  • your-consumer-secret.

You can get the credentials from Admin panel -> Setting (Application) -> Application API it will be the URL of your domain. It will load CMS products data into your application.

  • Go to Admin Panel > Settings(Application) > Application API
  • Click Generate to create your Key and Secret.
  • Copy your App Key and App Secret.
  • Place this key in your config.service.ts file.

⦁ Place this consumer key & Secret in your project folder/src/services/config.service.ts file

save this file.

Test Application

open Terminal and go to a directory where is your app. You can use following command to go to different directory.

  • cd project folder

Then Run command

  • npm install
  • ionic serve
Note: Please Add CORS extension for browser if you browser shows warning when app is served sucessfully on browser.

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