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Business General Settings

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General Settings:

In This section you can add the information for your business. You will be needing to add the description for your business, address, phone number and Email Address.

You can update the settings from the following path:

Admin Panel > Business Settings > General


Email SMTP:

In This section you can update the Credentials for SMTP credentials. No need to make changes in the Source code(.env file), we have provided the settings for SMTP in CMS. All you need to do to activate SMTP is to create an SMTP account from Hosting/Email Service Provider and add the SMTP Credentials here. 

You will need to add Mail Driver, Mail host, Mail Username, Mail Password, Mail Forward Port, SMTP encryption and SMTP status. 

Note: Please make sure to add Correct SMTP Credentials, otherwise you will face server errors on website and face issues while receiving emails in your inbox.

You can change the settings from the following path:

Admin Panel > Business Settings > Email SMTP Settings



You can add the SMS gateway name that you want to add for SMS service. For the SMS gateway you need to identify the name of the Service that you are going to used. 

You will need to add the Twilio Authentication Token along with the Twilio Sid and Twilio Number. 

You can change the settings from the following path:

Admin Panel > Business Settings > SMS



In order to setup the One Signal notifications in application and website, you need to add the following details. 

  • Default Notification 
  • One Signal App ID
  • One Signal Sender ID. 
  • Firebase Api Key.
  • Firebase Authentication Domain. 
  • Firebase Database URL
  • FIrebase Project ID
  • Firebase Storage bucket.
  • Firebase Sender ID. 

Please make sure to add correct credentials You can create your Firebase/One signal account from the following URL:


You can change the settings from the following path:

Admin Panel > Business Settings > Notification



You can generate the invoice for your customers in this section. All you need to do to add the following fields:

  • Invoice address
  • Invoice Email
  • Invoice Mobile
  • Invoice Phone
  • Invoice Logo ( Buttons are missing in CMS )
  • Invoice Prefix
  • Invoice Footer Content

Once you have added the information you will be able to generate the invoice with above business information. 


You can change the settings from the following path:

Admin Panel > Business Settings > Invoice


Email Template:

You can add the content for your Email template in this section which can be used for promotion all you need to do is add the heading of this template and the content for this template .

You can change the settings from the following path:

Admin Panel > Business Settings > Email Template


Consumer Keys:

You can Generate to create your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret for api authentication.

You can change the settings from the following path:

Admin Panel > Business Settings > Consumer Keys


Note: Don’t change these settings, once you have used it in your live website/app.



You can manage firebase credentials from this settings tab.   

You can change the settings from the following path:

Admin Panel > Business Settings > Firebase


Google Map API:

You can manage Your Google Map API key here.

You can change the settings from the following path:

Admin Panel > Business Settings > Google

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