From this URL you can change the slider images. This is the process that you need to follow:
Go To Website Settings > Slider Banners
- Upload the images in the Media folder by giving the tag as Slider images.
- Click the Plus sign in front of Slider Settings.
- You need to add the name of the slider
- Add the description of the slider.
- Select the language for which you want to show the slider for. For example English or Arabic.
- Select the slider type ( In this Slider type you can select the resolution of the picture that you want to show for the slider it can be a full width slider,Right slider with thumb, Right slider with navigation, left slider with Thumb,Full screenslider and many more.
- Select the Slider Navigation Category.
- Once you have completed the information then you need to click the submit button to successfully add the slider.
- You can also edit/Delete the slider once you have added the slider.